The Tavern
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The Tavern
Hello, Guest

The Tri servers may be closed, but you can still use this place as a hangout, or to set up hunting parties with MH3U players.
The Tavern
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been away for a long time....

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been away for a long time.... Empty been away for a long time....

Post by ktg21 Sun May 26, 2013 8:18 pm

hello tavern community, i wonder about how many of you remember me Razz but as the title says, i've been away for a long time, since last summer in fact. i created this just to see if anyone would catch me up on some current ideas floating around for the new game, and if there were any plans to mod it at some future date....get back to me Smile

Ambitious Hunter
Ambitious Hunter

Posts : 61
Zenny : 68
Weapon of Choice : Switch Axe

MH3 Online Info
Status: Offline
City: None (Offline)
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been away for a long time.... Left_bar_bleue0/0been away for a long time.... Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

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